Visualize your data the way you want. ShilohNEXT can support multiple visualization tools,
as many as your team requires, simultaneously.
Important insights live in our data, but it’s not easy to discover where and how to take action just by looking at numbers on a spreadsheet. Data visualization can help present key findings from you data and collaborate and share dashboards across your company, all while integrating with multiple data sources.

- Integration with the BI tools you choose, including but not limited to:
Tableau, Power BI and Qlik - Each department/team can use different tools
- Not limited to one BI tool
- Ability to access the SAME database from multiple tools simultaneously
(you don’t have to change databases if you change tools or use multiple tools)
Seamlessly integrate with your Bl visualization tools of choice, from ShilohNEXT XL Connect to more complex applications like Tableau, Qlik and PowerBI.

Have your own visualization tool you want to integrate with your data? Contact us today to see how we can help!